Thursday, February 23, 2006

And you thought philosophy was confusing

Here's quantum computing at its finest. If you guys haven't heard of schrodinger's cat , its about this guy schrodinger who came up with this experiment in which a cat is put in the box and stuff is done to it and you don't know if it is alive or dead until you open the box. So till that point in time when you open the box, the cat may be alive and dead at any point before that. Its really hard to simplify that cat shit.
well, anyways, thats essentially what quantum computing is about. Playing with uncertainess. Computers so far had transistors that worked as a specific 1 or a 0. Well not any more!

From the article: "With the right set-up, the theory suggested, the computer would sometimes get an answer out of the computer even though the program did not run. And now researchers from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign have improved on the original design and built a non-running quantum computer that really works."

his is an awesome beginner's read to understand this shite. Read : a lazy layman's guide to quantum physics


Beast said...

i remember watching an excellent play about this a few summers ago in hyderabad... all credit to even flow (for the sets) and the reluctant blogger (for a kick ass enactment)

Loved it :D

adi said...

schroedinger's cat's way old skool.

you need to get withSean's puppy

Check it!

magicfarawaytree said...

thanks beast!!!:) *hug

magicfarawaytree said...

ral, another key point to the explanation is that the act of observance also affects the outcome. since quantum physics says that the observer affects the observed.therefore, it isn't just that the cat may be alive or dead which is anyway true, but the act of you looking at it to see if it's alive or dead also affects it.and obviously u can vary the observer in space and time (look at the cat from different angles, open the box at different times)and all would affect whether the cat died or not.

magicfarawaytree said...

sean's puppy rocks!!! thanks adi!!!!